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Offshore Development Risks, and How to Avoid Them?

Nabeela Anwar

15 December, 2022

20 minutes

Research and Planning

Prepare a Comprehensive List Of Features You Want To Incorporate

  • Identify the main goals and objectives of your software. Research and evaluate similar software products to see which features they offer. This will help you identify industry standards and emerging trends, and it can also provide inspiration for new and innovative features.
  • Consult with stakeholders and users to gather feedback and ideas. This will help ensure that the final product meets the needs and expectations of your target audience.
  • Prioritize the features on your list based on their importance and value. This will help you allocate resources and focus on the most important features first.
  • Review and refine your list of features regularly throughout the development process. This will ensure that your software stays on track and meets your changing needs and requirements.
  • Once you have a comprehensive list of features, you can use it to guide the development process and ensure that your software includes all of the functionality and capabilities that you need.

Share details/features list with potential outsourcing vendors

Provide detailed descriptions and specifications for each of the features on your list. This will help the offshore software development company understand exactly what you are looking for and how the features should work.

Include any relevant information or constraints, such as budget, timeline, or technical requirements. This will help the vendors understand the context of your project and determine whether they can meet your needs within the constraints of your project.

Let them come back to you with questions and doubts and final cost estimations

  • Communicate your goals and objectives for the project, as well as your target audience and intended use cases. This will help the vendors understand the broader context of your project and provide relevant feedback and suggestions.
  • Be open to feedback and suggestions from the vendors. They may have valuable insights and expertise that can help improve your features list and enhance the final product.

Run background checks: company profile, client recommendations, past projects

  • To start, you can try searching for the software development company’s name online to see if there is any information available on their website or on other business directories. This can provide you with a general overview of the company, including its mission and values, products and services, and team members.
  • Next, you can try reaching out to the company’s clients to ask for recommendations or feedback on their experience working with the company. This can provide valuable insights into the company’s strengths and weaknesses and can help you gauge the level of satisfaction among their clients.

Finally, you can try researching the company’s past projects to see what they have worked on in the past. This can give you a sense of the types of projects the company has experience with, and can help you evaluate their capabilities and expertise.

Technical Assessment and Selection

Don’t settle immediately, take your time in hiring an offshore development company

  1. First, it allows you to carefully evaluate all of the candidates and compare their qualifications, skills, and experiences. This can help you make a more informed decision about who is the best fit for the job.
  2. Second, taking your time to hire can help you avoid making a rushed decision that you later regret. Hiring the wrong person can be costly and time-consuming, so it is important to take the time to make the right decision.
  3. Third, taking your time to hire can help you find the right person for the job. A well-thought-out hiring process can help you identify the most qualified and motivated candidates, which can lead to better outcomes for the company and for the individual you hire for offshore development.

Prepare assessment tests and setup multiple interview stages for hiring offshore developers

One way to ensure that you are hiring the best person for the job is to prepare assessment tests and set up multiple interview stages.

Assessment tests can help you evaluate a candidate’s skills and abilities, and multiple interview stages can help you get to know the candidate better and determine if they are a good fit for the job and the company.

There are several types of assessment tests that you can use, depending on the type of job and the skills and abilities that are required.

For example, you can use aptitude tests to measure a candidate’s cognitive abilities, personality tests to evaluate their personal characteristics, and skill-based tests to assess their knowledge and expertise in a particular area.

Involve team leads and managers in the final decision

Team leads and managers have a better understanding of the specific needs and requirements of the job, as well as the skills and abilities that are required to perform the job effectively.

This can help ensure that the candidate selected is the best fit for the role and the team.

Second, involving team leads and managers in the hiring decision can help foster a sense of ownership and accountability among the team.

This can help ensure that the candidate is welcomed and supported by the team and that they have the resources and support they need to be successful in the role.

Check team members and their LinkedIn profiles

When looking at a team member’s LinkedIn profile, you can see a summary of their background and experience, as well as their current job title and company.

You can also view their education and professional certifications, as well as any skills and expertise they have listed on their profile.

In addition, you can see any recommendations or endorsements that the team member has received from their colleagues, clients, or others in their network.

This can provide valuable insights into the team member’s abilities and the level of satisfaction among those who have worked with them.

Ask for proficiency in the latest technology stacks

When interviewing a candidate, you can ask about their familiarity with the latest technology stacks and how they have used them in their previous projects or roles. This can help you determine the candidate’s level of expertise and whether they are able to adapt to new technologies and keep up with industry developments.

In addition, you can ask the candidate about their approach to learning and staying up-to-date with new technologies. This can provide valuable insights into the candidate’s attitude and willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies, which can be important in a rapidly changing industry.

Onboarding and Collaboration

You and your developer must align on one methodology

There are many different software development methodologies to choose from, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some common examples include agile, waterfall, and scrum. It is important to choose a methodology that aligns with the goals and requirements of the project, as well as the strengths and preferences of the team.

Once you have chosen a methodology, it is important to communicate it clearly to the developer and ensure they understand and agree with it. This can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the project is planned and executed in a consistent and efficient manner.

Use communication tools, daily scrums, instant messaging, and video chats

Daily scrums, also known as daily standups, are short meetings where team members come together to discuss their progress and any obstacles they are facing. These meetings can help ensure that everyone is on track and that any issues are addressed in a timely manner.

Instant messaging and video chat tools can also be useful for communication and collaboration. These tools allow team members to communicate and share information in real time, which can help streamline the development process and facilitate quick decision-making.

Set key performance indicators (KPIs)

Setting key performance indicators (KPIs) is a useful way to measure the progress and success of a project. KPIs are metrics that are used to evaluate the performance of a project or organization against specific goals or objectives.

When setting KPIs for a project, it is important to choose metrics that are relevant to the project and its goals. Once you have chosen your KPIs, it is important to track and monitor them regularly to ensure that the project is on track.

This can help you identify any areas that need improvement and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the project is successful.

Companies fear a loss of control over quality and cost

When a company outsources software development, they may worry that they will not have the same level of control over the quality of the work as they would if they were doing it themselves.

This can be a particular concern if the company has strict quality standards or if the project is critical to the success of the business.

In addition, companies may be concerned about losing control over the cost of the project. Outsourcing can involve unexpected costs or delays, which can impact the overall budget and timeline for the project.

Potential violations of intellectual property rights

When a company outsources software development, there is a risk that the intellectual property rights of the company or the developers may be violated.

This can happen if the company or the developers do not have a clear understanding of the ownership of the intellectual property or if the outsourced company or individual uses the company’s intellectual property without permission.

To avoid potential violations of intellectual property rights, it is important for companies to clearly define the ownership of the intellectual property in the contract with the outsourced company or individual.

This can help ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations, and can help prevent any misunderstandings or disputes.

Plan daily and weekly meetings

Daily meetings, also known as daily standups, are short meetings where team members come together to discuss their progress and any obstacles they are facing. These meetings can be useful for keeping the project on track and ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Weekly meetings can be more in-depth and can provide an opportunity to review the project’s progress and make any necessary adjustments. These meetings can also be used to discuss any challenges or issues that have arisen and to develop plans for addressing them.


While offshore software development can provide many benefits, it is important for companies to be aware of the potential Outsourcing software development risks and to carefully evaluate and manage these risks to ensure the success of the project. Some of the main offshore Software development risks include communication challenges, cultural differences, and potential violations of intellectual property rights.

It is important for companies to carefully define the ownership of intellectual property and to choose a reliable and trustworthy partner to ensure the success of the project. CodeNinja knows industry best practices and standards, you can totally rely on our software development services.

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