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Case Study

Re-engineering a 3D Visualization Platform for Locka Vision

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Locka Vision, a renowned Swedish visualization studio, had been struggling to modernize its real-time 3D visualization platform, Neo4. Developed on an aging stack, the product was experiencing performance issues and lacked advanced features. CodeNinja was brought in to bridge the skill gap and re-engineer the application for a more sustainable future.

Business Challenges

  • Outdated Technology: Neo4 was built on a legacy stack, limiting its performance and scalability.
  • Limited Features: The application lacked advanced features for a superior user experience.
  • Suboptimal User Experience: Slow loading times, frequent unresponsiveness, and an outdated interface hampered user satisfaction.

The Solution

CodeNinja's team of experts tackled Neo4's challenges with a multi-pronged approach:

  • Technology Stack Upgrade: Upgraded Neo4 to Unreal Engine 5.0 and PHP 8.0 for enhanced performance, scalability, and futureproofing.
  • UI/UX Overhaul: Redesigned the user interface for a modern, intuitive experience, boosting user satisfaction.
  • Performance Optimization: Streamlined code and implemented CI/CD pipelines for faster loading times and improved responsiveness.
  • Advanced Feature Integration: Integration of Unreal Engine unlocked advanced 3D visualization capabilities, elevating the overall user experience and output quality.

The Outcomes

The app modernization journey of Locka Vision enabled them to achieve:

  • 25% Reduction in On-boarding Time
  • 90% Reduction in Downtime
  • 30% Faster Time-to-Market
  • 60% Enhanced Graphical Performance